Our Top Tips to Help You Live Through Your Renovation this Year 

It's dusty, everywhere. You have to cautiously walk up the stairs since the new treads aren't in yet and make sure you're stepping carefully to avoid bumping any of the new cabinetry waiting to be installed! Everything is covered is plastic and blue tape and cardboard for protection so you're not really sure what you're looking at and if it's going to be great or not! People come and go all day and take up space for parking along your street. You're juggling so many extra things it's a wonder you can keep it all straight!  

Sound familiar and daunting? Don't worry, living through a renovation is always worth the disruption your life gets. And while it doesn't always feel like it, it is a temporary disruption that is well worth the wait! 


Tip #1: Set Expectations, but Stay Easygoing 

One of the best places to start a renovation is by sitting down with your design team and contractor to hash out several questions. 

How long will this take? 

What rooms will be disrupted?  

What will and won't be blocked and unavailable during this time period? 

What happens when a timeline changes due to an un-foreseen delay? Who's in charge of navigating that? 

How will you communicate when these things do occur?  

Getting these expectations stated up front helps set things on the right foot for all parties involved. 


Tip #2: Create a Sanctuary & Remain Calm 

It's an excellent idea to create a sanctuary you can retreat to where the renovation isn't affecting your life and you can hide away from it all. It's imperative to keep this space clean, well organized and well-lit so that your spirits are lifted while you're in there. Consider all parties of your family that need a sanctuary and make sure to accommodate them. This space will help you refocus on why you're choosing to live through this chaos for this season. I even suggest hanging up a picture or drawing of your finished renovation so you have that to focus on when the days are daunting! 


Tip #3: Pack Properly, but Plan for Pro Cleaning 

It's important to pack away anything and everything in the space being renovated. Anything not movable and  not being demo-ed will need to be well covered and protected. Drop cloths won't keep all the dust and dents away but it does go a long way to helping keep things from being trashed in the process. I would anticipate in your budget money to have everything in and near the renovated space(s) be professionally cleaned. This will be a big help in resetting everything once construction is over. 


Tip #4: Remember Daily Routines & Rituals 

When you live in a construction zone, keep up with your routines as much as possible will help you do well during this time. Keeping things as normal as possible can help you reduce and navigate the stress better. If something is totally throw off by the renovation, get creative with how and where you can recreate the routine for a sense of normalcy. 


Tip #5: Document, but Don't Dwell on the Disruption 

It's a good idea to take pictures during the progress of the renovation and ask questions of the project managers running the project. Don't ask the workers doing the literal work, talk to their supervisors, please. Remember that things can go astray because we're humans and humans make mistakes. Document it, talk with a supervisor and let them handle what arises. That's what they're there for so trust the contractors. You can always ask questions when you don't understand or have a gut check, but in the end trust them. 


Listen, a renovation is a lot to take in and handle every day when you're living in it. Following these tips will help save your sanity and make the process a better experience for you. You can handle this and make it through the temporary disruption in your life for the fabulous end result awaiting you. It'll be totally worth it! 


Have any questions about living through a renovation? We've got you covered! Leave us a comment below or book a discovery call with us. 





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